Starting a new project
Creating the project
A new project can be created either from Konga Beat's launch screen by clicking the "New" button or going to General > New while exploring an existing project. The new project setup will walk you through each step of getting a new project properly configured.
You will input the name of the project, the author of the score (most likely you), the location where you would like to save the project, the location of the audio file (WAV, MP3, or DSP) you would like you use, as well as metadata about the song itself. Only the project name, project location, and song location are required to be filled. The rest can keep their default values.
Load scores
Optionally, if you want to use any already made custom scores in your project, you can assign them here based on their mode, speed, and difficulty.
Set time signature and BPM
You can input the BPM directly or use a BPM calculator. The BPM calculator allows you to either manually count the BPM or have the automated tool attempt to calculate it. The manual BPM counter can be initiated by clicking the "Start" button and then clicking the "Tap" button at every beat in the song. At any time, you can modify the BPM listed in the text box.
If the song you're importing changes BPM or time signature at any point, then only input the starting BPM and time signature at this stage. You will have the option to add BPM and time signature changes later.